Monday, July 28, 2008

Right. This is a new venture for me, so we'll see how it goes.

Why "Primarily Cymbidiums"? Well, when I first moved to San Francisco many years ago, some friends of mine gave me a division of one their cymbidiums in return for helping them divide their plants.

The conversation went something like this:
Me: "What's a cymbidium?"
Them: "It's an orchid."
Me: "Really. I don't know anything about orchids. How do you take care of it?"
Them: "It's EASY, especially where you live. Just place it on your porch, give it part sun/part shade, and water it every week or so."
Me: hook, line and sinker...., or more appropriately for this hobby: "one cym, more cyms, and orchids, orchids, orchids".

Well, I've now moved from SF to the DC area. The climate is much different, so I've had to learn better ways of caring for my orchids. I've also joined the National Capitol Orchid Society, whose interests are in a very broad genera of orchids (hence, "Primarily Cymbidiums"), as opposed to the Cymbidium Society of America, for which I'm also a member.

My intent of this blog is to share with you those things I've learned to improve my orchid husbandry skills, as well as general observations and attempts to grow different orchids.

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