Monday, March 29, 2010

SEPOS at Longwood Gardens, March, 2010

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Orchid Show held at Longwood Gardens took place this last weekend. Our orchid society's exhibit (National Capitol) received third place ribbon amongst the orchid societies.

This was my first time attending the show, and it lived up to its reputation for being a beautiful location for hosting orchid exhibits. Below are pics of individual orchids that caught my eye.

Cymbidium Little Beauty 'Black Shower' (Cricket x canaliculatum), exhibited by Fishing Creek Orchids. Several exhibits had Cym. Little Black Sambo mericlones, which quickly became boring. I had never seen Cym. Little Beauty before, and the form and color is much better than the Cym. Little Black Sambo mericlones.

Cym. King Agate (Mad Magic x Miss Muffet), exhibited by Duffin's Orchids

Cymbidium Jim Duffin (madidum x bicolor), Longwood Garden collection. I know it's not a good picture, but Longwood had this hanging high in their Orchid room, so I did the best I could with my camera.

Cymbidium madidum, Longwood Garden collection

Cattleya schilleriana, exhibited by Pinelands Orchid Society

Cattleya intermedia var. Tipo, exhibited by Plantio La Orquidea

Cattleya Mildred Rives 'Orchidglade', FCC/AOS (Cattleya Rita Renee x Cattleya Bou Philippo), exhibited by National Capitol Orchid Society, grower Jeff Johnson

Rlc. Arabesque 'Golden Zebra', AM/AOS (Rlc. Golden Slippers x Rlc. Mamie's Treasures), exhibited by Waldor Orchids

(Lc. Trick or Treat x Schomburkia undulata), exhibited by Plantio La Orquidea. One fraction of a beautiful specimen plant.

Schombocattleya Dulatiaca (Laelia undulata x Guarianthe aurantiaca), exhibited by Plantio La Orquidea. One fraction of a beautiful specimen plant.

Cattleya Koolau Seagulls 'Volcano Queen', AM/AOS (Cattleya Wilbur Chang x Cattleya Seagulls Milarina), exhibited by Waldor Orchids

Maxillaria picta 'Estrella de Esperanza' AM/AOS, exhibited by Southeastern Pennsylvania Orchid Society and Create A Scene. This is but a small fraction of a wonderful specimen plant fully loaded with flowers. An excellent example of what I might one day achieve with my little Max. picta seedling.

Paraphalaenopsis (Pps.) Eileen (Pph. labukensis x Pph. Boediardjo), exhibited by Fishing Creek Orchids. I had never seen a Pph. before, so both the flowers and the leaf habit caught my attention.

Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens (Large Yellow Lady's Slipper), exhibited by Mt. Cuba Center. This is my first season trying to grow two Cypripediums, so this exhibit provided examples of what to expect.

Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum (Lesser Yellow Lady's Slipper), exhibited by Mt. Cuba Center

Cypripedium kentuckiense (Southern Lady's Slipper), exhibited by Mt. Cuba Center

Renanthera (un-named hybrid), Longwood Garden collection. I find Renantheras captivating, for both their color and flower form. But, they are too big for my growing space.

1 comment:

  1. Hey PC,

    Looks like you had a great time and saw some beautiful plants. Seeing your pictures of Longwood takes me back to my time spent there. Your photos even evoke the smells of Longwood and the orchids.

    Congratulations on your exhibit.

    All the best,

