Saturday, October 23, 2010

Susquehana Orchid Show, Lancaster, PA

The Susquehana Orchid Society held their orchid show this weekend. It was a compact show with 14 individual, society and commercial exhibits, hosted by Stauffer's Garden Center. There was a wonderful diversity of orchid genera on display with well grown plants and flowers.

society exhibit

exhibit #4, society

Fishing Creek Orchids exhibit

exhibit #8

Woodstream Orchids exhibit

Cycnoches Jean E. Monnier (barthiorum x cooperi), exhibited by Orchid Enterprise

Cycnoches barthiorum

Cycnodes Jumbo Micky 'Jumbo Fifi' (Cycnoches Jumbo Dragon x Mormodes badia)

Holcoglossum kimballianum

Dendrobium victoria-reginae, exhibited by Fishing Creek Orchids

Pleurothallis strupifolia

Robequettia cerina, exhibited by Maryland Orchid Society

Cattleya maxima, exhibited by Fishing Creek Orchids

Cattlianthe Porcia 'Cannizaro', FCC/AOS (Cattleya Armstrongiae x Guarianthe bowringiana)

Rlc. Lyn Evans (Rlc. George King x Rlc. Goldenzelle)


  1. Some fantastic plants and photos Kevin!
    Those Cynoches are really something else!

  2. You bet! Enough to prod me into trying a few to see if I can grow them.
